Satisfying Customers Since 1962 - We Work For You!

Contact Information

Feel free to use the form below or any of our contact information if you have a question. Our office staff monitor these communications and will direct your question or inquiry to the appropriate person for your needs.

Contact Form

About Us

We are located in Bensenville, IL and our company has been in operation since 1962. We are a relatively small company in size and purposely remained that way so as to better serve our customer base.
We will be more than happy to assist you with your project or needs just conact us and we'll get the ball rolling. 

Our Location

Select Metal Corp. - Bensenville, IL

We will make every effort to answer your request as soon as possible. Thank you!



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Find us here:

Select Metals - Directions
235 William St.
Bensenville, IL 60106

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